Thursday 3 March 2011

King Edward and Queen Mary

Yesterday I was at King Edward and Queen Mary Junior School in Lytham and had a fantastic time with everyone there.

As well as telling stories, talking about writing and having fun, I was given the difficult task of judging some competitions. Everyone had been hard at work drawing pictures and building amazing robots... As soon as I get home I will put pictures of the robots up here for you to look at. They are amazing.

A big thank you to everyone for making the day so wonderful.
I'm writing today's diary entries using my phone and am hoping they turn out all right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Damian,

Just to say a massive thank you to you for our day with you last week. Everyone I have spoken to said how fantastic it was and how much the children got from it. Right from Reception up to Year 6 - they loved it. The teachers also were very impressed and will be recommending you to others for future dates. There is still a buzz around school for your stories and my class will be writing their own shortly - they would like to ask you some more tips so we will be emailing you soon, hope thats ok!

A huge thank you again and good luck with the rest of your World Book Day visits.

Kind Regards

Helen Mansfield

PS we hope to be in the local papers this week - fingers crossed !